


F4 - My JFK Photos

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"JFK Photos & Pictures" 15  items

Photo -  1943

Photo of LTJG Kennedy (standing at right) and his crew on PT-109 in 1943.
PT-109 was a PT boat (Patrol Torpedo boat) last commanded by Lieutenant, junior grade (LTJG) John F. Kennedy (later President of the United States) in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Kennedy's actions to save his surviving crew after the sinking of PT-109 made him a war hero, which proved helpful in his political career. The incident may have also contributed to his long-term back problems.
After he became President, the incident became a cultural phenomenon, inspiring a song, books, movies, various television series, collectible objects, scale model replicas, and toys. Interest was revived in May 2002, with the discovery of the wreck by Robert Ballard. PT-109 earned two battle stars during World War II operations.

Original photo 22x14cm from Photo Archive of USIS (United States Information Service).

Photo - June 12, 1944

Photo of Lt. John F. Kennedy, USNR, being awarded, while recuperating from back surgery, with the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, the second-highest noncombat award for heroism by the U.S. Navy to members of the Navy and Marine Corps, for "...extremely heroic conduct as Commanding Officer of Motor Torpedo Boat 109...".
The Medal was presented on June 12, 1944 to John F. Kennedy by Captain Frederick L. Conklin, Commandant of the Chelsea Naval Hospital, at the hospital in Massachusetts for Kennedy's heroics in the rescue of the crew of PT 109 during WWII on August 2, 1943 when the motor torpedo boat was struck by a Japanese destroyer.

Original photo 16x13cm from Photo Archive of USIS (United States Information Service).

Photo - June 27, 1953

Photo of United States Senator John F. Kennedy and his fiancée Jacqueline Bouvier shortly after the announcement of their engagement on June 25, 1953, on the lawn of the Kennedy residence during their weekend visit at Hyannis Port, Ma., on June 27, 1953.


Original photo 18x15cm from Photo Archive of USIS (United States Information Service).

Photo - February 16, 1961

4 Photos of a Press Conference of President John F. Kennedy at Washington on February 16, 1961.

Original photo 23x17cm from Photo Archive of Italian Newspaper "Il Tempo".


Photo - May 16, 1961

Photo of the meeting between President Kennedy and CEE Commission President Hallstein at Washington on May 16,1961.

The President and Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, met at the White House on May 16,1961.
The President took the occasion to reaffirm the strong support of the US Government for the European Economic Community and the movement toward European integration as envisaged by the Treaty of Rome. The President and Dr. Hallstein were in full agreement that the European integration movement of the six signatory countries of the Treaty of Rome compements and reinforces the progressive development of a true Atlantic Community which will be given new impetus by the coming-into-force of the OECD.

Original photo 24x17cm from Photo Archive of Italian Newspaper "Il Tempo".


Photo - June 5, 1961

Photo of the dinner between President Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace,London on June 5,1961.

Original photo 18x24cm from Photo Archive of USIS (United States Information Service).


Photo - Oct.6, 1961

Photo of the meeting between President Kennedy and Soviet Union Foreign Minister Gromyko at Washington on October 6,1961.

Original photo 18x24cm from Photo Archive of newspaper "Il Tempo".

1963, November 22  -  James T. Tague signed photo


A picture taken as the assassination of JFK happened. It shows where James T. Tague was standing by the Triple Underpass in Dealey Plaza when a missed shot bullet hit the curb in front of him throwing debris in his face.
This 4 X 6 inch picture has been hand autographed and on the back has been hand written: 12:30 PM, 11/22/63, Dallas Texas, James Tague.

Photo - Nov.22, 1963

Photo of an unidentified plainclothes police officer who carries the rifle used in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on  November 22,1963.

Original photo 24x18 cm from ANSA Photo Archive.

Photo - Nov.24, 1963

Photo of Lee Harvey Oswamd Assassination  on Sunday November 24,1963 at Dallas.
Following Kennedy's assassination, Oswald was initially arrested for the murder of police officer J. D. Tippit, who was killed on a Dallas street approximately 45 minutes after President Kennedy was shot. Oswald was later charged with the murder of Kennedy; he denied shooting anybody, saying that he was a patsy. Two days later, while being transferred from police headquarters to the county jail, Oswald was shot and mortally wounded by Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby in full view of television cameras broadcasting live.

Original photo 14x24cm from ANSA Photo Archive.

Photo - Nov.25, 1963

Photo of Mrs Jaqueline Kennedy, John Jr and Caroline leaving White House for funeral procession to Capitol at Washington on Monday November 25,1963.

Original photo 16x21cm from UBI Cablephoto.

Photo - Nov.25, 1963

Photo from the funeral of President Kennedy  at Washington on Monday November 25,1963.
Representatives from over 90 countries attended the state funeral.

Original photo 16x24cm from Photo Archive of ANSA.

Photo - Nov.25, 1963

Photo from the funeral of President Kennedy  at Washington on Monday November 25,1963.
The riderless horse who took part in JFK's funeral procession would become the most renowned of them all:
Black Jack, who would represent the mount of a fallen leader in the processions for Kennedy, Presidents Herbert Hoover (1964) and Lyndon B. Johnson (1973), as well as General Douglas MacArthur (1964), among other prominent Americans.
Original photo 9x17cm from Photo Archive of newspaper "Il Tempo".

Quadro JFK (50 x 70 cm)

QUADRO SU TELA CANVAS - INTELAIATO - Ritratto JFK John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Presidente Stati Uniti America - Effetto Dipinto Olio - 50x70cm

 JFK Official photo as Senator by Fabian Bachrach

 Louis Fabian Bachrach, Jr (April 9, 1917 – February 26, 2010) was an American photographer, known for portraits of celebrities, politicians, presidents and other prominent individuals. He was professionally known as Fabian. Bachrach was best known for this portrait of Senator John F. Kennedy, which was later used as the his official photograph after he was elected President in 1960.

28x35 cm copy.

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